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After around 440 hours of work, and just in time for the 10th anniversary of the original movie release, we are pleased to present to you our Lego version of the famous Bullet Time dodge scene from The Matrix.

"Trinity! Help!"
The Lego version of the Bullet Time dodge scene from The Matrix.
Be sure to check it out in high definition 1280x532.

Check our accuracy
Side by side comparison of the original and our Lego version.
Marvel at how accurate we got these shots. Go on, marvel!

Making of
A scene by scene description of how we made it and how crazy we got.

Multiple camera angles and other videos
The bullet time dodge was filmed with 4 cameras simultaneously. Along with the main movie, you can also see a wider view, an overhead shot and a view of the entire set.
There are also many other semi-amusing videos of test shots and demos that we made along the way.