The 11th scene we shot, and also the 11th scene in our film.
We spent ages trying to get the depth of field in this shot with Lego and our camera. The
original movie has the gun in stark focus and the agent and building blurry behind it. We
wanted to duplicate this contrast, and tried all manner of weird and wacky techniques to
get it.
We tried using a plastic bag to soften everything behind the gun, but this was abysmal. Next
was using sticky tape for a similar effect, but it was too harsh. We even tried using a Lego
salt and pepper shaker set that is a giant head. With the over-sized head we figured we could
move it much further away from the camera and appear the right size, thereby being outside the
focal range and really blurry. It was funny, but not that good.
In the end we just stuck with the macro on the camera and accepted what it gave us. Not as
blurry as we'd like, but not that bad all things considered.
A quick note about the background: When Steve first looked at it he tried to remove the agent
from the image with extensive clone brushing and blurring. After some time he sheepishly realised
that the background was essentially just a blurry rectangle with some darker green across the
right and bottom edges (you can see it up there in that header image on the left.) He quickly
free-handed it and made a great copy of it in about a minute. In the end we never bothered with
it and just reused our existing building printout.